#: locale=es ## Tour ### Description tour.description = Mata Bejid Visitor Center - \ El Peralejo Recreational Area ### Título tour.name = Virtual Visit - Sierra Mágina Natural Park ## Skin ### Botón Button_0B2A45A8_4BB6_EF7B_415E_C6B91E3C385C.label = 4 - The Karst in Mágine Button_0B2A45A8_4BB6_EF7B_415E_C6B91E3C385C_mobile.label = 4 - The Karst in Mágina Button_0C0B7B3F_4A56_5B55_41D0_67D585254B15.label = 9 - Sierra Mágina over time Button_0C0B7B3F_4A56_5B55_41D0_67D585254B15_mobile.label = 9 - Sierra Mágina over time Button_0C6577E6_4A56_2AF7_418A_1497060CFC2B.label = 10 - A journey through time Button_0C6577E6_4A56_2AF7_418A_1497060CFC2B_mobile.label = 10 - A journey through time Button_0DA070A4_4A56_6574_41AB_849AC20FE1BC.label = 7 - Cave artists Button_0DA070A4_4A56_6574_41AB_849AC20FE1BC_mobile.label = 7 - Cave artists Button_0DE197A5_4A56_6B75_41C3_3E6DD13CF574.label = 8 - Mágina, a privileged place Button_0DE197A5_4A56_6B75_41C3_3E6DD13CF574_mobile.label = 8 - Mágina, a privileged place Button_6B3DCC00_647A_DF9A_41D5_DC120403F72A.label = INSTRUCTIONS Button_6B3DCC00_647A_DF9A_41D5_DC120403F72A_mobile.label = INSTRUCTIONS Button_701B0119_4ABE_675D_4194_C9914D43396F.label = 1 - Sierra Mágina Natural Park Button_701B0119_4ABE_675D_4194_C9914D43396F_mobile.label = 1 - Sierra Mágina Natural Park Button_7464C822_4BB6_256F_41C9_CDC77B1B5F38.label = 3 - A solid limestone Button_7464C822_4BB6_256F_41C9_CDC77B1B5F38_mobile.label = 3 - A solid limestone Button_7474E3E4_4BB6_EAEB_41C4_B58ED91EA07C.label = 6 - Species and unique places Button_7474E3E4_4BB6_EAEB_41C4_B58ED91EA07C_mobile.label = 6 - Species and unique places Button_74877143_4BB6_E72D_41CE_74A39BB32976.label = 5 - Unique landscapes Button_74877143_4BB6_E72D_41CE_74A39BB32976_mobile.label = 5 - Unique landscapes Button_74CB8C89_4BB6_3D3D_41A8_80BEEC282DDB.label = 2 - Acting in the Territory Button_74CB8C89_4BB6_3D3D_41A8_80BEEC282DDB_mobile.label = 2 - Acting in the Territory Button_750C11A1_648F_A89A_41C9_2E58278A81A6.label = INFORMATION Button_750C11A1_648F_A89A_41C9_2E58278A81A6_mobile.label = INFORMATION ### Texto Multilinea HTMLText_00E80891_4ABE_252D_41A9_03B9C41FA3AE.html =
The multitude of caves and the abundance of water, vegetation and fauna in Sierra Mágina made the area an ideal place for the population of 100,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic period. .

Between the IV and V millennium B.C. the domestication of animals and the first crops, characteristic of the Neolithic, began. From 600 B.C. onwards, the Iberian culture prevails and the “bastetanos” occupy most of the mountain range, using the areas for cultivation and livestock activity.
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The multitude of caves and the abundance of water, vegetation and fauna in Sierra Mágina made the area an ideal place for the population of 100,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic period. .

Between the IV and V millennium B.C. the domestication of animals and the first crops, characteristic of the Neolithic, began. From 600 B.C. onwards, the Iberian culture prevails and the “bastetanos” occupy most of the mountain range, using the areas for cultivation and livestock activity.
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Species and unique places: Diversity of environments, diversity of life and sensations

Botanical jewels: Species characteristic of humid places with deep soils can be observed. Species of flora adapted to the high mountains have found in the summits of Sierra Mágina the last places where they develop. The lack of communication between certain species of this mountain range and other populations has caused differences between them, giving rise to exclusive species that are mostly endangered and protected.
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Species and unique places: Diversity of environments, diversity of life and sensations

Botanical jewels: Species characteristic of humid places with deep soils can be observed. Species of flora adapted to the high mountains have found in the summits of Sierra Mágina the last places where they develop. The lack of communication between certain species of this mountain range and other populations has caused differences between them, giving rise to exclusive species that are mostly endangered and protected.
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It is not known for sure why they painted (fertility cults, hunting or marking the territory to attribute a property right).

They used natural pigments such as iron oxides (reddish or orange colors) or charcoal (for blacks and greys). They were applied with their fingers or with brushes made of bundles of leaves or branches and/or bird feathers.

Numerous and important pictorial representations have been discovered in caves and grottos in Sierra Mágina such as the Cueva del Morrón (Torres) with paintings from the end of the Paleolithic (between 15,000 and 10,000 BC) depicting a wild boar and two mountain goats in movement. And the Cueva de la Graja (in the Aznaitín mountain, Jimena): Seven groups of figures in a schematic style typical of the Middle and Late Neolithic (5,000 BC) in red.
Human representations and animal figures (bulls, goats).
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It is not known for sure why they painted (fertility cults, hunting or marking the territory to attribute a property right).

They used natural pigments such as iron oxides (reddish or orange colors) or charcoal (for blacks and greys). They were applied with their fingers or with brushes made of bundles of leaves or branches and/or bird feathers.

Numerous and important pictorial representations have been discovered in caves and grottos in Sierra Mágina such as the Cueva del Morrón (Torres) with paintings from the end of the Paleolithic (between 15,000 and 10,000 BC) depicting a wild boar and two mountain goats in movement. And the Cueva de la Graja (in the Aznaitín mountain, Jimena): Seven groups of figures in a schematic style typical of the Middle and Late Neolithic (5,000 BC) in red.
Human representations and animal figures (bulls, goats).
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Roman city: From the Roman period, burials, curved tiles and sigillata pottery (Roman pottery with glossy surface slips) abound. Later the Visigoths settled in the region, leaving behind various artistic manifestations such as altar tables, sarcophagi and coins and architectural remains such as the ancient Roman city of Mentesa Bastia (La Guardia).


With the Muslim presence, the region experiences a development of agriculture, especially of the olive tree. Some of these towns obtained an enormous production of oil and enjoyed numerous orchards and gardens thanks to the abundance of water and modern agricultural and irrigation techniques.

The location in the region on the border between Castile and the Muslim kingdom of Granada during three centuries (XIII to XV) increased the military architecture of the area. Remains of fortifications and castles from that period have been preserved: The towers of Bélmez, Cuadros, Fique and Torre de la Cabeza de Pegalajar; the castles of Bedmar and Garcíez, Belmez, Huelma, Jódar (one of the oldest in Andalucía) and Albanchez de Mágina; and the remains of the Arab fortress and walls of Jimena, Cambil, Pegalajar, Torres and Solera.

The conquest of the mountains: During the following centuries, the region developed slowly with an economy based on agriculture and livestock. The high mountain was a source of important resources for its inhabitants, whose mark can be seen in the dry-stone constructions that cover the slopes of the mountain until reaching the snow wells, where the snow was stored for gastronomic and medicinal uses during the summer.


Villages that were uninhabited in the mid-20th century. Fortunately, since 1980 the rate of migration has decreased. However, the main economic engine is still agriculture, especially the olive grove, which is the symbolic essence of the Mediterranean world.
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Roman city: From the Roman period, burials, curved tiles and sigillata pottery (Roman pottery with glossy surface slips) abound. Later the Visigoths settled in the region, leaving behind various artistic manifestations such as altar tables, sarcophagi and coins and architectural remains such as the ancient Roman city of Mentesa Bastia (La Guardia).


With the Muslim presence, the region experiences a development of agriculture, especially of the olive tree. Some of these towns obtained an enormous production of oil and enjoyed numerous orchards and gardens thanks to the abundance of water and modern agricultural and irrigation techniques.

The location in the region on the border between Castile and the Muslim kingdom of Granada during three centuries (XIII to XV) increased the military architecture of the area. Remains of fortifications and castles from that period have been preserved: The towers of Bélmez, Cuadros, Fique and Torre de la Cabeza de Pegalajar; the castles of Bedmar and Garcíez, Belmez, Huelma, Jódar (one of the oldest in Andalucía) and Albanchez de Mágina; and the remains of the Arab fortress and walls of Jimena, Cambil, Pegalajar, Torres and Solera.

The conquest of the mountains: During the following centuries, the region developed slowly with an economy based on agriculture and livestock. The high mountain was a source of important resources for its inhabitants, whose mark can be seen in the dry-stone constructions that cover the slopes of the mountain until reaching the snow wells, where the snow was stored for gastronomic and medicinal uses during the summer.


Villages that were uninhabited in the mid-20th century. Fortunately, since 1980 the rate of migration has decreased. However, the main economic engine is still agriculture, especially the olive grove, which is the symbolic essence of the Mediterranean world.
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Meet species and unique places: Sierra Mágina is an isolated massif surrounded by olive groves.
It serves as a refuge for many beings that disappeared from the plain with the human transformation of the landscape. It has more than a thousand species of superior plants, of which at least four are exclusive to the region, 140 species of birds, dozens of mammals and several reptiles and amphibians.
Most of these species can be discovered at first sight in nature.
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Meet species and unique places: Sierra Mágina is an isolated massif surrounded by olive groves.
It serves as a refuge for many beings that disappeared from the plain with the human transformation of the landscape. It has more than a thousand species of superior plants, of which at least four are exclusive to the region, 140 species of birds, dozens of mammals and several reptiles and amphibians.
Most of these species can be discovered at first sight in nature.
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The karst relief has been formed when the rain water penetrates through the fissures in the limestone rock, causing its erosion by the carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the water, both in the exterior and in the interior, where cavities, galleries and conduits are created where the water circulates and when in contact with the air it originates numerous forms: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, galleries.

The calcareous soils, dominant in this mountain range, allow the creation of a reserve of underground water, which is fundamental for the development of life.
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The karst relief has been formed when the rain water penetrates through the fissures in the limestone rock, causing its erosion by the carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the water, both in the exterior and in the interior, where cavities, galleries and conduits are created where the water circulates and when in contact with the air it originates numerous forms: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, galleries.

The calcareous soils, dominant in this mountain range, allow the creation of a reserve of underground water, which is fundamental for the development of life.
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Past, present and future in the region: People who have lived from the mountains... And, have modified the landscape with their use, generating a characteristic identity in their traditions of which the Moors and Christians Festival, unique in the province of Jaén, or the pilgrimages related to the great water births, stand out.

Some traditional tasks remain, but in recent years there has been a commitment to socio-economic regeneration based on a diverse development: Designation of Origin for oil, promotion of the agri-food, textile and wood industry, improvement of road infrastructure. And new leisure and nature tourism activities: mountaineering, trekking, caving, equestrian routes…

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Past, present and future in the region: People who have lived from the mountains... And, have modified the landscape with their use, generating a characteristic identity in their traditions of which the Moors and Christians Festival, unique in the province of Jaén, or the pilgrimages related to the great water births, stand out.

Some traditional tasks remain, but in recent years there has been a commitment to socio-economic regeneration based on a diverse development: Designation of Origin for oil, promotion of the agri-food, textile and wood industry, improvement of road infrastructure. And new leisure and nature tourism activities: mountaineering, trekking, caving, equestrian routes…

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Click on image to enlarge

You are going to take a virtual tour of a visitor's centre and a trail adapted for people with functional diversity. This is a project financed by La Caixa that aims to bring the Natural Areas of Andalusia closer to everyone in an inclusive way through 8 virtual tours, one per province.

The aim of this project is to show the route and the equipment as well as its interpretative content so that users can assess their degree of accessibility before going through it "in situ".

The tours start at a visitor reception facility and continue along an adapted trail. The virtual tour is an experience in itself, as there is the option of taking an immersive visit using virtual reality glasses with a smartphone (APP Matterport VR).
On the main screen we find icons (see image):

To exit the view we are in, click on one of the icons that appear in the lower left corner, depending on the user's intention.
In the legend, this different options appears:

START: A useful option to move quickly to the beginning of the trail or to the visitor center.
INFORMATION: This tab shows all the information markers outside the reception equipment classified by "LANDMARKS" and "ACCESIBILITY". Each one can be accessed by clicking on its description and allows you to continue the tour from that same point.
LOCATION: Address of the reception equipment

We hope you enjoy this immersive experience and decide to visit this site personally.
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Click on image to enlarge

You are going to take a virtual tour of a visitor's centre and a trail adapted for people with functional diversity. This is a project financed by La Caixa that aims to bring the Natural Areas of Andalusia closer to everyone in an inclusive way through 8 virtual tours, one per province.

The aim of this project is to show the route and the equipment as well as its interpretative content so that users can assess their degree of accessibility before going through it "in situ".

The tours start at a visitor reception facility and continue along an adapted trail. The virtual tour is an experience in itself, as there is the option of taking an immersive visit using virtual reality glasses with a smartphone (APP Matterport VR).
On the main screen we find icons (see image):

To exit the view we are in, click on one of the icons that appear in the lower left corner, depending on the user's intention.
In the legend, this different options appears:

START: A useful option to move quickly to the beginning of the trail or to the visitor center.
INFORMATION: This tab shows all the information markers outside the reception equipment classified by "LANDMARKS" and "ACCESIBILITY". Each one can be accessed by clicking on its description and allows you to continue the tour from that same point.
LOCATION: Address of the reception equipment

We hope you enjoy this immersive experience and decide to visit this site personally.
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¿Cómo hacer el recorrido virtual?
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How to take the virtual tour?
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The natural environment of the province of Jaén shows a high diversity of ecosystems that allow the development of a rich flora and fauna, with unique species in Andalucía and the world.

The Sierra Mágina Natural Park is a mountainous range, in the south of the province of Jaén, where the highest level in the province stands out. Rugged terrain, steep slopes, ravines and high cliffs, home to unique species, some of which are exclusive to the area, and refuge of many life forms.

A territory with a rich historical, artistic, cultural and natural heritage.
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The natural environment of the province of Jaén shows a high diversity of ecosystems that allow the development of a rich flora and fauna, with unique species in Andalucía and the world.

The Sierra Mágina Natural Park is a mountainous range, in the south of the province of Jaén, where the highest level in the province stands out. Rugged terrain, steep slopes, ravines and high cliffs, home to unique species, some of which are exclusive to the area, and refuge of many life forms.

A territory with a rich historical, artistic, cultural and natural heritage.
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The areas with a Mediterranean climate, such as Sierra Mágina, are threatened every year by forest fires that cause the loss of natural and economic values over a long period of time, with their prevention and fight being one of the priority objectives of the Park's management.

Hunting is one of the most outstanding resources of the whole region. The mountain goat is the most important species of big game in Mágina. It became extinct from the sierra due to intense hunting and in the middle of the 20th century some Cazorla specimens were reintroduced and quickly re-colonized the sierra.

The management of the cattle routes. The Natural Park is crossed by numerous cattle routes of different types such as ravines and paths. These roads have traditionally been used for the transit of livestock, and today they are being promoted for the use of the population.

A public use aimed at facilitating the approach to natural and cultural values ensuring their preservation. The management of the Natural Park aims to bring its values closer to society by promoting their enjoyment and conservation through numerous facilities such as recreational areas, trails, information points, etc.
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The areas with a Mediterranean climate, such as Sierra Mágina, are threatened every year by forest fires that cause the loss of natural and economic values over a long period of time, with their prevention and fight being one of the priority objectives of the Park's management.

Hunting is one of the most outstanding resources of the whole region. The mountain goat is the most important species of big game in Mágina. It became extinct from the sierra due to intense hunting and in the middle of the 20th century some Cazorla specimens were reintroduced and quickly re-colonized the sierra.

The management of the cattle routes. The Natural Park is crossed by numerous cattle routes of different types such as ravines and paths. These roads have traditionally been used for the transit of livestock, and today they are being promoted for the use of the population.

A public use aimed at facilitating the approach to natural and cultural values ensuring their preservation. The management of the Natural Park aims to bring its values closer to society by promoting their enjoyment and conservation through numerous facilities such as recreational areas, trails, information points, etc.
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Sierra Mágina Natural Park
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Sierra Mágina Natural Park
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A limestone massif emerging from the olive trees: Sierra Mágina is the highest mountain massif in the province of Jaén, reaching 2,167 m at the Mágina peak, and one of the highest in all Andalucía.

It rises between the rivers Guadalquivir, Jandulilla and Guadalbullón, rising up, with a spectacular relief of steep slopes, deep ravines and vertical rocky escarpments. It has five peaks that exceed 2000 m, and its geographical location allows, on clear days, to observe much of the mountains of eastern Andalucía.

A world of different altitudes and diverse environments: In Mágina there are very diverse climatic conditions due to the high difference in height in a short space. As you go up in altitude the climate varies and so does the vegetation.

In the areas of summits there are plant species unique in this Natural Park, where there are at least 16 habitats of European interest such as different types of forests, herbaceous formations, scrublands, rocky habitats and caves.
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A limestone massif emerging from the olive trees: Sierra Mágina is the highest mountain massif in the province of Jaén, reaching 2,167 m at the Mágina peak, and one of the highest in all Andalucía.

It rises between the rivers Guadalquivir, Jandulilla and Guadalbullón, rising up, with a spectacular relief of steep slopes, deep ravines and vertical rocky escarpments. It has five peaks that exceed 2000 m, and its geographical location allows, on clear days, to observe much of the mountains of eastern Andalucía.

A world of different altitudes and diverse environments: In Mágina there are very diverse climatic conditions due to the high difference in height in a short space. As you go up in altitude the climate varies and so does the vegetation.

In the areas of summits there are plant species unique in this Natural Park, where there are at least 16 habitats of European interest such as different types of forests, herbaceous formations, scrublands, rocky habitats and caves.
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For more details, click on buttons
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For more details, click on buttons
## Media ### Título album_6C64146D_51ED_E9B8_41D1_E1A2F179E1EA.label = Album de Fotos instrucciones-de-uso-3 ## Acción ### URL LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en LinkBehaviour_C595CEA1_D536_43BD_41E1_FC672507974C.source = https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=Q74QWvob4wa&brand=0&qs=1&vrcoll=1&lang=en